Each User using the SLED CATCH Charitable Account must have a unique User ID.
Each User's User ID shall have an associated password.
Each User will be required to create a new password every 90 days.
Password must be 8 characters minimum and must be a combination of Upper and Lower case Alpha, Numeric, and Special Characters
Password may NOT be the same as the previous 10 passwords and may NOT be the same as the user-id and must be locked after 3 unsuccessful logon attempts
The user name and password must be kept secure and may not be provided or made known to any person who is not an authorized employee of the charitable organization as defined in SECTION 33-56-170, or local school district employee. All user IDs and passwords are to be treated as sensitive, confidential information.
In the event of the termination/separation of an employee with access to the password assigned to the agency, the password will be changed as quickly as possible.
Do not allow anyone outside your agency to use the assigned user ID and password. You are responsible for all activities and charges incurred using your user ID and password.
Any charitable organization found to have violated this policy may have their access privileges temporarily or permanently revoked and subject to applicable criminial/civil penalties.